What Is a Marriage and Family Counseling Degree?

What Is a Marriage and Family Counseling DegreeMany people wonder, “What is a marriage and family counseling degree?” Marriage and family counseling programs train the student to work with couples or families to get through problems that arise. Counselors are trained to talk through problems with the family or couple to arrive at viable solutions. Work as a marriage and family counselor can be very fulfilling as the counselor witnesses families working through their problems.

Online marriage and family counseling degree programs are available at either a Bachelor’s degree or a Master’s degree level. The degree in marriage and family counseling provides the student with the skills necessary to become a marriage and family counselor.

How To Find The Top Marriage And Family Counseling Programs

Many schools offer marriage and family counseling degree programs at both the undergraduate and graduate level. The first step to determine the school with the best marriage and family counseling degrees is to make sure the school is regionally accredited. The school may offer various majors with the counseling degree program. Make sure that the school offers the correct program to fit your needs. When looking for the best online marriage and family counseling degree programs, look for the top ranking schools. Check to see if the online school has residency requirements. This would mean that face-to-face classroom visits are required. If the school has residency requirements, the distance of the school could also be a determining factor. For some people, the schools without residency requirements would be the better choice because travel is eliminated. Other students or future employers might feel that the residency requirement added to the learning experience. Some schools offer counseling degrees that can be used for marriage and family counseling jobs but are not exclusively a marriage and family counseling degree. Consider whether the more generic degree will work in your situation or whether you will be better served with the specific degree.

The following schools offer online programs in marriage and family counseling.

  • Capella University
  • Liberty University
  • Walden University
  • North Central University

Careers And Salaries For Individuals With Marriage And Family Counseling Degrees

Students who graduate with marriage and family counseling degrees have several options for marriage and family counseling jobs. Their options may range from family counseling, couples therapy, premarital marriage counseling or several other options. A Marriage and Family Therapist (MFT) may practice on their own or they may work with other counselors in more severe cases and in instances that are related to other mental health issues.

According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, the job outlook for marriage and family counseling is best in California and New Jersey, which have the highest employment rates in this field. While marriage and family counseling salaries are always related to education and experience, Hawaii and New Jersey are the two states that have the highest pay rate in this field. On the average, a marriage and family counselor can expect to make between $45,000 and $50,000 per year.

So, what is a marriage and family counseling degree? It could very well be the best path to a new and satisfying career.